Stickers Design Guidelines
PDF or JPEG ready to go? Need more design info? Scroll down!

1.5” x 1.5”
52 stickers from CDN$ 19.00

3.39” x 2.24”
50 stickers from CDN$ 28.00

0.94” x 0.94”
90 stickers from CDN$ 16.00

Large Round
3" x 3"
12 stickers from CDN$ 20.00

Large Rectangular
3” x 4”
25 stickers from CDN$ 37.00

Return Address Labels
1” x 2.75”
125 stickers from CDN$ 19.00
Want print perfection? Use our checklist!

Keep all text at 8pt or higher.

Sharp lines need to be at 0.5pt or thicker.

Make artwork a vector PDF, photographs at 300dpi or higher and file size a maximum of 50Mb.

No need! We automatically add them in exactly the right place.
Round Stickers Design Guidelines
Bleed Area: 1.57” x 1.57”
Make sure your background extends to fill the bleed area (to avoid nasty white edges!)
Trim: 1.5” x 1.5”
This is where we aim to cut your stickers.
Safe Area: 1.41” x 1.41”
Make sure important aspects of your design (like text and logos) are inside the safe area (to avoid the chop!)
Large Round
Large Round
Large Round Stickers Design Guidelines
Bleed Area: 3.08" x 3.08"
Make sure that your background extends to fill the bleed to avoid your Stickers having white edges when trimmed.
Trim: 3" x 3"
This is where we aim to cut your stickers.
Safe Area: 2.92 x 2.92"
Make sure any important aspects of your design such as text and logos are inside of the safe area, otherwise they may be cut off.
Rectangular Sticker Design Guidelines
Bleed Area: 3.39” x 2.24”
Make sure your background extends to fill the bleed area (to avoid nasty white edges!)
Trim: 3.31” x 2.17”
This is where we aim to cut your stickers.
Safe Area: 3.15” x 2.0”
Make sure important aspects of your design (like text and logos) are inside the safe area (to avoid the chop!)
Large Rectangular
Large Rectangular
Large Rectangular Stickers Design Guidelines
Bleed Area: 4.08" x 3.08"
Make sure that your background extends to fill the bleed to avoid your Large Rectangular Stickers having white edges when trimmed.
Trim: 4" x 3"
This is where we aim to cut your stickers
Safe Area: 3.92" x 2.92"
Make sure any important aspects of your design such as text and logos are inside of the safe area, otherwise they may be cut off.
StickerBook Design Guidelines
Bleed Area: 0.94” x 0.94”
Make sure your background extends to fill the bleed area (to avoid nasty white edges!)
Trim: 0.87” x 0.87”
This is where we aim to cut your stickers.
Safe Area: 0.78” x 0.78”
Make sure important aspects of your design (like text and logos) are inside the safe area (to avoid the chop!)
Return Address Labels
Return Address Labels
Return Address Labels Design Guidelines
Bleed Area: 2.91” x 1.16”
Make sure that your background extends to fill the bleed to avoid your Return Address Labels having white edges when trimmed.
Trim: 2.75” x 1”
This is where we aim to cut your labels
Safe Area: 2.59” x 0.84”
Make sure any important aspects of your design such as text and logos are inside of the safe area, otherwise they may be cut off.