What is corporate gifting, and why should it be part of your brand strategy

Improve your workplace culture with a well-chosen gift.

Corporate gifting isn’t just another item on your seasonal to-do list. It’s a great way to show your team that you appreciate them, recognize their hard work, and want to build a positive work environment. Done right, it can boost company culture, lift employee spirits, and make your brand stand out in the workplace.

So, what exactly is corporate gifting, and how can you make it a valuable part of your strategy? Keep reading to find out.

What is corporate gifting

At its core, corporate gifting involves giving thoughtful gifts to employees, clients, or partners to show appreciation, recognize achievements, and foster positive relationships. When you use employee corporate gifting as part of your brand strategy, you create real experiences that reflect your company’s values and help build a more engaged and loyal team.

Corporate gifts boost employee morale and productivity

Greeting card.

When you show your employees that you value their hard work and dedication with thoughtful gifts, their morale and productivity tend to rise. Research indicates that happy employees are 13% more productive. Simple gestures, like providing a high-quality, sustainable Water Bottle, can make employees feel appreciated and connected to the company.

Incorporating corporate gifting into your brand strategy helps create meaningful experiences that align with your company’s values. This makes your employees feel more connected and valued and helps build a more motivated and engaged team, leading to better overall performance.

They strengthen company culture and loyalty

Green water bottle with carry handle, green and blue gift bows, and light green holiday greeting card

Corporate gifts are crucial in reinforcing your company’s values and building a stronger, more cohesive team. 88% of employees believe a distinct workplace culture is important to business success. Gifts that reflect your brand’s values—like eco-friendly items, if sustainability is a core value—help reinforce what your company stands for and bring your team closer together.

Regular corporate gifting can also significantly boost employee loyalty. Nearly half of employees leave their jobs due to a lack of recognition. You can create a sense of belonging and reduce turnover by consistently showing appreciation and aligning gifts with your company’s values. Employees who feel valued are more likely to stay, contributing to a more stable and cohesive team.

Corporate gifts enhance internal brand recognition 

A MOO notebook in someone's pocket with a bow on it.

Gifting is a simple but powerful way to boost brand recognition within your company. Branded Merchandise, such as customized Notebooks, helps keep your company’s identity and values front and center. Each time an employee uses these branded items, it reinforces their connection to the brand and aligns them more closely with your company’s mission. By creating a strong internal brand presence through thoughtful gifting, you can help expand your brand’s reach and improve its reputation both within and outside the company.

They improve employee retention and satisfaction

What is corporate gifting when it comes to employee retention? In a competitive job market, having a solid corporate gifting strategy can make your company stand out. It helps you reduce turnover by showing appreciation and making your top talent feel valued. Replacing an employee can cost up to 33% of their annual salary. By using corporate gifts (especially customized ones) to recognize and reward your employees, you can increase their job satisfaction and encourage them to stay longer.

MOO can help make corporate gifting part of your brand strategy 

Whether you’re on the hunt for Business Cards, Branded Merch, or print gifts, we’re here to help. Fill out this simple form, and one of our team members will be in touch soon to bring your ideas to life. 

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