4 (very) fresh Water Bottle designs

Get inspired with four brands who created unique Water Bottles with MOO.

Four custom water bottles designed by MOO and customized by Blue Ion, MainStreet Bank, Beam, and Factomos

Thirsty for gifting inspiration? Get inspired with four brands who created unique Water Bottles with MOO.

Blue Ion: let creativity flow

Blue Ion is a full-service marketing and creative agency in Charleston and Greenville, South Carolina. Curiosity and creativity are embedded in the brand’s DNA, making them a powerful multi-disciplined team up for any challenge.

They were looking for a client gift that could also be a treat for their employees. “We do a lot of project-based work and it is our little way of saying thank you to our clients.” Since the pandemic, they have also decided to share client gifts with their employees, too.

“Every year we try to come up with a theme that can show off our design skills and encourage our clients to stay creative.” This year, the theme was “Quench Your Creativity”. Needless to say, MOO’s custom Water Bottles were the perfect fit.

For the Water Bottle design, Blue Ion went all in with an illustration that wouldn’t look out of place on a band poster. “Our brand colours are black, blue, and yellow. We thought that the design would pop off of a black bottle the best. We did colour as that allowed us more flexibility with our design and allowed us to use our other brand colours.” We heard even the mock-ups got rave reviews.

Black water bottles with a custom design by Blue Ion made with MOO

Factomos: drink pink

Factomos is an invoicing platform based in Paris. With their winged pig mascot, they’re distancing themselves from the overly serious reputation of accounting to build a fun yet trustworthy brand.

They turned to MOO to find a “quality and differentiating gift” for their partners. “[We wanted] a thank you gift to give at the start of a new year, with a hope of renewal, closely linked to water. When we discovered the custom bottles on the website, we really appreciated the shape and the exclusive choice of colours.”

Factomos worked closely with MOO’s design services team to create a unique Water Bottle. “We chose pink to assert our brand, because our graphic charter is a pink pig. Then, because it’s a pig [it evokes the farm], and the shape of the bottle made us think of milk. [So we wanted] to recreate a bottle of milk with our logo.” 

The team loved their “pig milk” idea, and came up with three proposals. “In general, we like working with MOO for their design [approach]. The team was attentive and the proposals were relevant.” The winner was a minimalist pink bottle with an elegant white design.

Factomos already has more plans for their custom Water Bottle. “We have put a few aside to organize a contest with our customers (we’ll keep one or two for ourselves, of course).” Pigs do have wings.

Pink water bottles with a custom design by Factomos made with MOO

MainStreet Bank: new avenue

Based in Fairfax, Virginia, MainStreet Bank is a customer-focused community bank that offers a variety of services. As part of their new corporate brand launch, they decided to design a gift that would introduce this service to employees, shareholders and customers.

MainStreet created a full brand identity for this new part of their business. “Our design team developed a brand image and graphics package to cover all areas of our brand presence. The icons included on the bottle are part of a total brand image package that invokes the idea of movement, while utilizing a contemporary and international colour palette.”

The team picked both Cloudy Grey and Midnight Blue to make the brand elements stand out. “We felt the Cloudy Grey provided a great contrast to display our standard colour palette, and the Midnight Blue allowed us to show off some of our secondary palette as well.”

It will be included as part of a larger package […] to generate excitement and show appreciation”

These personalized Water Bottles will spread the word about the new brand across the business – and outside, too. “The bottle will serve different occasions. For our employees, it will serve to kick off a new corporate brand. It will be included as part of a larger package that we will present to the team to generate excitement and show appreciation for their hard work. For new employees, it will be part of an onboarding gift package. And finally, it will definitely make an appearance at a trade show or two.” A multifaceted gift.

Blue water bottle with a custom design by MainStreet Bank made with MOO

Beam: laser vision

Beam is a US-based home improvement software company. They connect homeowners and professionals to help everyone build their dream home easily.

For their first company off-site in Colorado, Beam wanted to celebrate with a custom employee gift. They found inspiration on MOO’s site to create a gift that reflects their brand: quality-focused, design-savvy and, most of all, making life easier. Custom Water Bottles ticked all the boxes.

They picked the Alpine Green bottle and chose the laser engraving option as a nod to the company name. “The colour was close to our brand colour. [Plus] the laser cut-outs look futuristic and fly!”

Beam nailed their employee gifting with a present that made the whole team happy. “Everyone has loved them!” We hope they’re all staying well hydrated for the exciting things to come for the company.

Green water bottles with a custom design by Beam made with MOO

Like what you see? Get in touch with your account manager to design your own Custom MOO Water Bottles or fill out the form below to learn more about our business services.

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