Meet the #MOOcrew: Alexander, Design Services Manager

Our MOOcrew are a pretty talented bunch. Wonder what it’s like to work at our headquarters? Here’s what a typical day in the life of a MOOster is really like…
Alexander Graham
My name is Alexander, I work in Design Services as a Design Services Manager and I’ve been at MOO for 8 years.
At MOO, I’m responsible for…
Mentoring and coaching graphic designers and production artists, while managing the creation of multiple customer design projects on a daily basis.
I got my role at MOO by…
Starting in customer service as an artworker. I then moved to work as a creative artworker in the sales team. From there, I gradually worked towards the management role I’m currently in.
My morning routine is…
Check-in with the team, make sure we’re set up for a successful day, then get myself a coffee.
A typical working day is…
Assigning out customer design requests to graphic designers and production artists. I’ll then have one-to-ones with my direct reports, and check in with my peers across the other MOO offices in Davol and Denver. I’ll also work on projects to ensure we’re providing the best possible service to our customers.
Something people don’t know about my role is…
It involves art direction. On a daily basis, we oversee the creative initiative from our graphic designers, while focusing on communication and strategy from messaging and design.
My proudest moment at MOO was…
Working with our client, Adidas on their business cards.
The thing I like most about working at MOO is…
The open and honest culture. It’s very relaxed here, and I feel I’m able to communicate with anyone in the building. Also, the office space is great – very welcoming.
On the weekend, you’ll find me…
Running around with my two sons at soft play, shopping for the latest trainers or doing some sort of DIY project.
If I wasn’t doing this as a career, I’d be…
Working as a technician, fixing computers.
The best career advice I’ve ever been given…
“Do not seek praise, seek criticism.”
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