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Incorporating player silhouettes from five main sports, Fantasy Sports Portal's business cards graphically show what they are all about.
We collaborated with Klout to send out some complimentary MOO MiniCards to people we found interesting - and Amy Taylor didn't disappoint!
Se vi piace armeggiare con l'elettronica, adorerete Arachnid Labs...proprio come noi amiamo ciò che hanno realizzato con le MiniCard (e i robot)!
An interesting business card is more than just a way to share your details. It can start converstions, win friends and open doors, says Jeannie.
A business with a strong and memorable logo is a powerful prospect – so you might as well make as much use of it as possible!
When someone asks for your card, fan out a selection and show the full range of your work. It works for real estate photographer Tyra Pacheco.
Tokyonama is the brainchild of Yves Bennaïm, a branding specialist who loves all things Japanese. Look, he made these cool logo Stickers!
Using MOO’s Printfinity, KITE chose 5 different photos for the front of their cards, and a striking red back and crisp white text for their details.
There's more to MOO than 'quirky'. Want the premium paper, short print runs, and easy design tools - but a more formal look? No problem!
Impress your clients with your careful attention to the important littlel details, by personalising and branding your Mailing Labels.
Make-up artists, designers, photographers - there are many people to impress in the fashion industry. Why not start with your calling card?
It can be difficult standing out in a crowd, especially among attention-seeking actors. Luckily, Sam Hopkins had some bright ideas.