Helen Driver is a graphic designer and curator who has developed multiple uses for MOO stuff – particularly Stickers and Business Cards – to help her gather her diverse portfolio together into one charming umbrella brand.

Express yourself

“As a freelance designer and art curator, I work on a whole range of projects, so I wanted to design illustrations 
for Business Cards to reflect my interests and quirky ideas rather than depicting everything I do.”

Taking her inspiration from the past, Helen set to work. “I designed a series of surreal images featuring old engravings, which I manipulated and illustrated over to create 
new and playful narratives. Each business card showcases one of the five different illustrations. People can choose 
which illustration they like.”

Animal magnetism

This process went so well that Helen used the same designs to create greetings cards, which she now sells from her website.

This is also home to the quirky creatures known as Moggles, a delightful menagerie of multi-coloured toy dogs, cats, donkeys, reindeer and other beasts that Helen makes by hand.

“I use the Stickers 
to add a personal touch when packing the greeting cards and Moggles. The sticker design depicts my website link and
penny farthing logo, which is the home button on the site.”

Having trouble getting a bunch of different projects to stick together nicely? Why not make your own set of Round Stickers!

Scritto il:
06 nov 2013
Business Card Ideas, Fotografia, Sticker Ideas
  • Helen Driver
  • Helen Driver
  • Helen Driver

Create your own Stickers

  • Caricate immagini These can be photos or full artwork. Alternatively import images from Flickr, Facebook or Etsy.
  • Aggiungi testo o modifica il design dell'adesivo/etichetta Aggiungi testo agli adesivi o etichette modificando il layout del pacchetto.
  • Create i vostri adesivi o etichette! In no time at all have amazing stickers and labels to use and share!
  • Start making now

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