Il grande giorno


Perhaps you’re having a sixties themed party, or you just want your invites to stand out when stuck to a white fridge. Or perhaps you just want your guests to have something so striking, it could be framed as a piece of art after the party. Well, look no further!

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The idea of a really important event being marked as much by the design on the invite as the party itself was the driving force here. I like the 1920s – it was the era where partying went from clandestine to mainstream and the tessellation evokes the glamour of emerging decadence.

Informazioni sul designer

Chris Baron si è laureato in Design Multimediale nel 2005 presso l'Università di Southampton, nel Regno Unito. Ha lavorato in diverse aree creative del packaging, della stampa e del cinema, collaborando anche a progetti per la BBC e Guerilla Creative. Le sue fonti di ispirazione sono il paesaggio urbano e pionieri del design come Saul Bass.

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