Brezza estiva


You can't always rely on the weather to deliver the sunshine, so sometimes it's a good idea to carry a backup in your pocket. This design has all the brightness, warmth and joy of a day at the beach.

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Questo design è gloriosamente "flower power", approfittando di rosa scuri, viola, rossi e arancioni per creare un motivo che è metà asciugamano da mare, metà gelato e totalmente estivo e caldo. Usatelo per riunirvi con i vostri amici o per mostrare il vostro calore naturale ai contatti commerciali.

Informazioni sul designer

Odd colorful shapes, quirky line, and a curtsy to the gods of Yin and Yang combine to form Jane's whimsical yet sophisticated style. Many themes parade through the studio. Favorites include: food and wine, the Arts, children's topics, flora, fauna, and social humor. Jane is a self-taught artist and works both digitally and traditionally in water media. She lives and works near Chicago, Illinois.

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