Floral Fans


These intricate floral fan patterns could double up as the wallpaper in a 1920’s speakeasy lounge. They hark back to a different time, but their visual impact is as modern as it gets – perfect for creative freelancers looking to pack a punch with a simple exchange.

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My inspiration for this came from the wonderful Japanese graphic style. In particular origami. The shapes are simple yet intricate and the colours bright and intriguing. They feel fresh but also decorative and playful.

Informazioni sul designer

Millie Davies is MOO’s Lead Graphic Designer, and graduated in 2010 from Brighton University with First Class Honours in Graphic Design. A four month placement in New York at global design agency 2x4 helped fuel Millie’s creativity, which she’s put to work to design a variety of products from Barclays debit cards, to the guidebook and signage for the London Design Festival. Millie loves design because of its ability to help people, and make a positive difference to their lives.

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