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Pollen isn't just attractive to bees. Humans too will be drawn to this clean, photo-led design. And even if flowers aren't your thing, you can easily switch out the images for your own shots.

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I wanted to create a design that was both typographical and photographic. That's why I used these botanical images – really close-up shots that made the bold text pop.

Informazioni sul designer

Jack Newman is MOO’s Lead Graphic Designer. After graduating from Central St. Martin’s with First Class Honours in Graphic Design, Jack was snapped up by 4Creative, where he led advertising campaigns for Channel 4 shows including Big Brother and Black Mirror. Jack’s proudest moment was driving past his first billboard campaign for documentary The Family, displayed on the side of the M25. The world of design excites him because of its power to change the way a company is perceived, sometimes in just one image.

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