Meet n Greet


There are many ways to say hello – but they’re just not all as stylish as this! If a Business Card is a way to greet new friends, then this editable handwritten hello is a step up – perfect for a writer, artist or designer who wants to keep it cool, classy and succinct.

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I wanted to create a “Hello” card that was really refined. I used concrete textures to give it depth and I tried to give this handwritten-style scrawl slightly high fashion feel with the muted colours.

Über die Designerin

Der Grafik-/Produktdesigner Stephen Turner wuchs in Kent auf und absolvierte sein Bachelorstudium in Industriedesign an der Brunel University in London. Steve interessiert sich besonders für Marken und liebt Minimalismus. Wenn er nicht gerade am Computer sitzt, macht er Sport (wahrscheinlich noch so lange, bis ihn eine Verletzung daran hindert).

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