Total Texturiert

A4 Briefpapier

Stand out and make the right impression with your own Letterhead. This design features a textured-look pattern on the back that will catch the eye of your clients, and a simple, uncluttered front page – with space for your logo too. Send your letters, invoices, receipts and everything in between using this cool design.

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I wanted to celebrate different textures with this design, and I think these patterns give the Letterheads an edge. For me, the contrast between the pared-down front page and the back works very well.

Über die Designerin

Chris Baron machte 2005 seinen Bachelor-Abschluss in Multimedia-Design an der Universität in Southampton. Er war in vielen kreativen Bereichen in der Verpackungs-, Druck- und Filmbranche tätig, darunter auch bei Projekten für die BBC und Guerilla Creative Production. Er lässt sich von urbanen Landschaften inspirieren, sowie von Designpionieren wie Saul Bass.

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