
A4 Briefpapier

Perfect for anyone that works with numbers, this Letterhead design gives your communications a touch of style and professionalism. Whenever you’re reaching out to clients, send your own Letterhead – not only does it look and feel great, but it makes the right impression too.

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I played around with visual ways of representing numbers with this design. I've never been able to get my head around numbers, and I think there are a lot of people for whom making information clear has to be a visual thing - even for people who work in finance, and more importantly, for their clients.

Über die Designerin

Chris Baron machte 2005 seinen Bachelor-Abschluss in Multimedia-Design an der Universität in Southampton. Er war in vielen kreativen Bereichen in der Verpackungs-, Druck- und Filmbranche tätig, darunter auch bei Projekten für die BBC und Guerilla Creative Production. Er lässt sich von urbanen Landschaften inspirieren, sowie von Designpionieren wie Saul Bass.

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