Fair Isle


Less of a Postcard, more of a warm hug from a woolly friend in a time of need. This design calls to mind sensible jumpers for cold and wet days, and comfortable rugs in front of a blazing hearth.

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This pattern really reminds me of early video game graphics, especially when rendered for printing, and yet it comes from knitting, specifically the coloured jumpers of the Shetland islands. Mind you, it's a series of short, regular blocks of colour (just like pixels), arranged into a complex pattern, so the comparison isn't that far-fetched.

About the designers

MOO Designs is a collaborative creative effort from the design team at MOO. All our designers have an individual style that we love, but are also brilliant at working as a team towards a single goal. We’ll give them any theme or idea, and they’ll meld their minds together to produce a series of beautiful card designs.

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