As a studio photographer, your work isn't over until the shots are printed and packaged. We take a look at another professional and economical way to brand your work.

For photographers looking for simple ways to stand out, our range of products provides a great starting point. We spotted a brilliant blog post from a MOO customer, Brandy, and wanted to share her creative ideas with you

Brandy owns her photography business, Fresh Sugar Photography, and is always looking for ways to help her small business stand out. Her company name being different from her own name, she wanted an easy way to associate and promote both. The answer? MOO Stickers.

Brandy printed some Stickers with her signature to leave on her photo prints, packaging and letters.

She says "This way I am letting my clients know that they have purchased one-of-a-kind artwork, and I am also keeping my own name in their minds, as well as my business name."

It's a cost effective way to produce a professional package. Every StickerBook contains 90 Stickers - and each one can be different. Brandy's chosen a simple design that will work well with any colour - but Stickers are photo quality, so depending on your needs, you could choose your signature on a range of different colours, or even some shots of your own work.

If you're a wedding photographer, you could also consider creating a book of Stickers as a little goodwill gesture or an optional add on. Something sweet to seal Greeting Card envelopes is always a very welcome gift.

Écrit sur :
18 juin 2013
Catégories :
Stickers, Photographer, Photography, Pre-prepared Artwork, Wedding
  • Signature Stickers

Create your own StickerBooks...

  • Uploadez vos images Il peut s'agir de photos ou d'illustrations. Vous pouvez également importer vos photos depuis Flickr, Facebook ou Etsy.
  • Ou parcourir nos modèles Utilisez l'un de nos modèles afin de créer des cartes professionnelles et créatives
  • Créez vos cartes ! Recevez vos cartes MOO en un temps record !
  • Start making now

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