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All About Clara

Cupcakes for Clara was born from the jumbo-sized imagination of Laura Clempson, a brilliant illustrator with a penchant for paper crafts. Originally a harmless lunchtime doodle, Clara quickly grew from a pencil-drawn, endearingly pushy little girl, into a full-fledged business concept for Laura’s handmade paper dolls, stationery, sewing kits, and toys. Each product centres on Clara’s imaginary, whimsical, and child-like world, and is chock full of Laura’s elegant illustrations. As a fellow paper peddler and design lover, Laura chose MOO’s MiniCards to help get Clara the attention she so bossily demanded.

Made from Scratch

Ordering a pack of MiniCards was just the beginning. With a dab of acrylic paint and a whole heap of craftiness, Laura added a brand new scratch and reveal feature to each of her Cupcakes for Clara cards. We love it when our customers find new and innovative ways to use our products so naturally this fresh twist on the MiniCard made our day! Each card, placed randomly in her customers' packages, features one of five surprise deals (the grandest of the grand being a voucher to spend at her shop), which is discovered by scratching the card’s surface with a coin.

DIY Time

Great ideas deserve to be shared, and luckily for us, Laura documented the whole scratch card process from start to finish on her blog. It’s great to see how with just a little daub of paint and a big imagination you can get your customers to engage with your brand in a new way. Scratch cards are a really novel and fun way to interact with your customers - you could use them to reveal surprise offers (like Laura), or communicate secret messages and fun facts. Chances are, your customers will be as impressed as we were.

So go ahead, give scratch MiniCards a try!

Écrit sur :
06 nov. 2013
Catégories :
Idées de Cartes de Visite, Illustration

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