Les enfants timides


When children are unsure of themselves, they often stand still and take stock, with a serious look in their eyes. These MiniCards are for people who know how to inspire confidence, to make everything better.

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À propos du designer Aperçu

These are not your average boisterous children, running about the playground, screaming and causing a bother. It'll take a bit of encouragement to draw these girls out of their shy shells, and that's part of the charm with this design. That plus the adorable outfits and general air of reserved innocence. Take them to your heart (but don't be offended if they're a bit quiet at first).

À propos du designer

Illustratrice numérique, Shelli vit dans une adorable petite ville du Minnesota appelée Victoria. Cette artiste est fière d'être autodidacte. Son travail apparaît dans des magazines nationaux et internationaux, des journaux, à la télévision, sur des cartes de vœux, des blogs, etc. Mais rien ne lui fait plus plaisir que de savoir son œuvre affichée dans les maisons du monde entier.

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