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Carte de remerciement

Parfaite pour les photographes appréciant la simplicité du Noir & Blanc, en contraste avec la complexité de leur travail. Ce design sobre permet de remercier simplement vos clients de leur fidélité (et de leur retour !).

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À propos du designer Aperçu

Cette carte a été créée pour les fous de typographie parmi vous ! Présentant une mise en page moderne et originale pour vos coordonnées, ce design met vos images à l'honneur.

À propos du designer

Felix Ackermann is a freelance graphic designer and self-confessed typography geek. He graduated from Central Saint Martins College in BA Graphic Design, after spending his first two undergraduate years at Curtin University of Perth, Australia. Felix has worked for City & Guilds, Queen Rania of Jordan, and is part of Ludopoli's design team. He has a special interest in pushing the boundaries of conventional typography and his work has been featured in Wallpaper magazine, among other arts and design related publications. Felix has spoken at Typography Day, an international typography conference. Felix grew up in Germany and has lived in both Swaziland and Australia. He now resides in London.

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