As every crafter and business owner know, the holiday season can be hugely profitable – and adding a free gift for loyal customers makes them love you just a little bit more! We’ve got some great ideas for turning your favourite MOO products into gorgeous little extras.

Beautiful bookmarks

Perfect for winter nights curled up with a book, MiniCards make great bookmarks – just grab a hole punch and some brightly coloured ribbon! Use your own images (or choose from our ReadyMade selection) on the front – and don't forget your details on the back!

Make bookmarks with MiniCards

You're a sweetie!

Who wouldn't want to open their order to find a little package of sweets inside? With a plastic bag, a stapler and some MiniCards, it couldn't be easier. One of our most creative MOOsters Robyn Pollman, also thinks so – check out her sweet little packages!

Create your own sweet MiniCards

Complimentary Greeting Cards

It’s email, Facebook and Twitter for 364 days of the year – but at Christmas time, nothing but a card will do. Use beautiful photographs of your products, perhaps with a festive spin (tinsel always does the trick!) to make a batch of Greeting Cards, and include a selection with every customer order. They'll thank you for it on Christmas Eve!

Personalise your Greeting Cards

Say it with Stickers!

We love using MOO Stickers on just about anything – and we think your customers will as well. Just imagine their faces as they pull out a cute little Christmas StickerBook (or even a ReadyMade) and start thinking of all the ways they can use it. We love these free sticker templates from Paperie Boutique.

Make a great StickerBook gift

Pre-stamped PostCards

Remember the song "Should old acquaintance be forgot"? No, we don't know the rest of the words either, but the idea inspired us! Slip some pre-stamped MOO Postcards into customer orders (with your brand on them somewhere, of course!) and make it easy for them to reach out to old friends this Christmas.

Create your Holiday Postcards

Wrap it up!

If you offer customers a gift-wrapping service (and if not, it's a great little earner at Christmas), you can use your MOO MiniCards as festive hangtags, or MOO StickerBooks to seal packages with a final flourish! Remember, it's the little things that leave the biggest impression.

Find inspiration for your own gift-wrapping

Create your own StickerBook...

  • Upload your images These can be photos or full artwork. Alternatively import images from Flickr, Facebook or Etsy.
  • Or browse MOO templates Use one of our layouts to create professional and creative cards
  • Make your cards! In no time at all have amazing MOO cards to share!
  • Start making now

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