They make MOO: Meet Barry, senior e-commerce manager

Barry tells us about his current read, his personal hero(ine)s, and how he ended up at MOO.

Barry Murphy sitting on the couch at MOO and smiling

It takes a talented bunch to make the MOO magic happen. Lucky for us, that’s exactly what we’re made of. Meet the people who make MOO a great place to work.

Barry Murphy is a senior e-commerce manager in the London team. He’s also a podcast connoisseur, a horror fan and the life of the party. We stacked a deck of questions to pick from in front of him and let chance decide his (interview) fate.

Barry Murphy sitting on a couch and picking a card from the stack

What do you do at MOO?

My role is to ensure is doing what it needs to do to make things simple for customers. Whether that’s working with our UX experts to deliver the best experiences, our tech teams to deliver new functionality or our marketing teams to ensure end to end alignment – whatever makes it easier for someone to get the product or service they need.

Who’s worth a follow on Instagram?

@museumofyouthculture. They are a UK-based non-profit that is focused on preserving and showcasing the importance of British Youth Culture over the last 100+ years. Really great stuff – and they put on amazing exhibitions, talks and events.

Complete this sentence. In my team, I am the ___________ 

Talker. I sometimes can’t stop myself! Especially as we “hybrid work” more I feel I have to fill any silences on Zoom calls. I’ve always loved to chat so now I’ll just keep going until someone stops me (I’m working on it).

What’s your favourite MOO product?

It has to be the Stickers. With Printfinity, it’s so satisfying to get a pack with a bunch of designs and just start sticking them on things – notebooks, my laptop, other people.

Hands mixing green question cards from MOO

Who is your fictional hero(ine)?

When I was younger, I loved Matilda as she read a lot and has psychic powers and I also read a lot (sadly, no psychic powers). As an adult I’m a huge horror fan, so I like whoever the villain in the movie is as they keep the anarchy going.

What led you to your role at MOO?

After working in fashion e-commerce for years, I wanted a change of pace and to try something new. I’m always looking to learn and I felt MOO offered the perfect place for me to bring my skills while learning a new industry. There is nowhere better to learn than with an industry leader!

What’s the first thing you do after you log off for the day?

Generally, I’ll stick on some headphones and go for a walk in the summer. In the winter, it’ll be to sprawl out on the sofa and spend some time scrolling social media. I am a full-on Instagram addict.

Question card saying What book would you recommend right now

What book would you recommend right now?

Can I say the MOO Notebook? Kidding – I am currently reading The Power by Naomi Alderman. It’s a sci-fi novel around the concept of women developing supernatural powers and flipping the patriarchal structure as women become the “dominant sex”. It’s a really great read and has some really great messages relevant to modern-day struggles for women.

What does your typical working day look like?

After dragging myself to my computer (not a morning person), I’ll have a huge dose of caffeine and do my morning standup with the team. After that, I will normally have focus time in the morning to look into ongoing projects and initiatives which could range from briefing new creative assets to pulling together analytics for improvements to our site. 

Usually, afternoons tend to have more meetings as our American colleagues are online – lots of time for collaborations and cross-team working which is always great!

Who (or what) inspires you at work?

I really admire Ebba Long (our head of brand) who joined around the same time as myself last year. We worked on a big project together while we were both very new and she didn’t shy away from jumping into the nitty gritty – which really helped keep things moving and propelled the project forward. 

Outside of that she always has time for a chat (even if it’s just general chit chat about work) and helps keep work a human experience even while we were remote working.

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