Question three in our cryptic quiz: "Three Is The Magic Number"!
Here we are already, at the last of three questions for today! Join three graphic designers at the very start of their careers – one confident, one sad and one wet-behind the ears.
We found this question harder than the first two, but have full confidence in your puzzling skills! The first to answer this question will win a Flickr Pro account and a pack of MiniCards. Good luck!
The Third Zone: Painting the Town
This is the story of three carefree young graphic designers—Rod, Grant, and Blaise. Diplomas in hand, they have just tossed their caps in the air and are setting out into the Big City to look for work. They are full of hope and wonder, these three close friends, eager to see what is in store for them. But they will soon realize that the turn of the wheel will bring them only fear. You see, what they are about to endure will test them in ways they never could have imagined. For soon they will face terrors of the sort you can only find…in the Third Zone.
Rod, the eldest, is listening to the sixth Weezer album through his ear-buds and zips up his lucky hoodie (a gift from his cousin who’s on the most fun and friendly ruby team in Stockholm) and glares at the neon reflecting off the wet city streets before him. Nothing will crush his fiery spirit, or so he believes.
Grant, slightly younger than Rod, watches his confident friend a bit enviously. He feels completely unprepared for the real world. He believes himself to wet-behind-the-ears, untried, a real noob. He hums When I Come Around in an attempt to bolster his spirits and plans the fastest route to the nearest city park. He’s thinking that cool leafy spaces will calm his nerves and prepare him for what’s to come…
He’s completely wrong of course.
Blaise feels a momentary sadness at the passage of time. She’s been prone to melancholy after major events like birthdays all of her life. But she’s trained herself not to dwell on the pas and instead focus on the clear skies ahead of her. She twists her lucky lapis lazuli pinky ring around three times widdershins and whispers to herself, “The less I seek my source for some definitive the closer I am to fine.”
QUESTION: Upon what kind of wheel do Rod, Grant, and Blaise turn and what do each of them represent?
Answers in the comments please – and we’ll approve them all on Wednesday morning, when we put the next clues online and announce today’s winners!
The “Three Is The Magic Number” quiz is part of our third birthday celebrations!
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