The MOO Goldmine: what we loved in November

Discover some of our top finds for November here.

Toys and pencils on a pink table

Here at MOO, we love sharing recommendations with each other. Books, podcasts, movies… we want it all. And because there are a lot of us, we’ve even dedicated a Slack channel to it. It’s called Goldmine – and we want to share every one of these gems with you.

Each month, we’ll share what made us smile, inspired, or changed our perspective. Discover some of our favorite finds for November here.


Connor Donaldson is an account specialist based in Denver. For him, the book “Heaven” by Mieko Kawakami met all his expectations. “In part of a conscious effort to read more books both in translation and written by women, I’ve begun reading Mieko Kawakami. ‘Heaven’ is her second book to be translated to English.”

Book cover of Heaven

He adds that it was, “short enough to read in an afternoon, strong enough to leave an emotional impact that I felt for days after.”

Change Please

Caitlin is one of our fabulous customer service representatives based in the UK and a huge fan of the coffee brand Change Please. “100% of the profit goes into giving people experiencing homelessness a living wage, training, housing – onward possibilities.”

Change Please coffee cup

She shares, “Homelessness is a huge issue in the UK, especially London, so it’s great that an easy switch (like where you buy your coffee from) can actually help support people experiencing homelessness by providing them with shelter, work and training so they can find their feet again.”

The Bear

Noramy is another one of our wonderful customer service representatives. He was wowed by the TV show “The Bear” and loved its cast and cinematography. “An excellent TV show that follows a young and talented fine dining chef who inherits his late brother’s struggling and chaotic restaurant in Chicago.”

The Bear thumbnail

He says, “Each episode is as good as the last, funny, sad, creative and perfectly capturing the intensity of a stressful work environment, but also making you feel for each character struggling with their challenges whilst trying to make the business survive. WARNING – this show may also make you hungry!”

Providence Winter Farmers market

Steve Pike, supply chain manager from Lincoln, loves a farmer’s market. He told us about a favorite of his: “There is a year-round farmer’s market fully stocked with seasonal produce, cheeses, meats, and vendors right in Providence. They also always have a professional knife sharpener there, which is great for keeping your knives sharp (and safe) in the kitchen.”

Fresh produce found at the Providence, RI farmer's market

“This market is always well stocked, but in addition, the building houses New Harvest Coffee Roasters, Tallulah’s Taqueria, Anchor Toffee, Rhed’s Hot Sauce, PVD Brewing, Wrights Creamery, and is right across the street from The Industrious Spirit Company.”

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