Beyond the algorithm: why businesses need humans  

It’s people that make the (business) world go round.

Human connection with branded MOO business cards

We live in a technologically driven age. Things are becoming more and more automated, with AI doing a lot of the heavy lifting. It’s brilliant business, but is it also making everything more detached and transactional? 

MOO has always prioritized a human-centric approach to business. And we think it’s time others followed suit. 

While tech has revolutionized the playing field, it can never replace humans; our creativity, innovation, storytelling, empathy, connection, collaboration, and teamwork are qualities that far surpass any algorithm. It’s these innately human qualities that lead to long-term success in the B2B world.

Read on to find out why tech can never replace the human touch. 

Creativity and innovation

A group of MOOsters sitting together and working on a new client brief

Our creativity and innovation are not just ‘nice to haves’ – they’re the lifeblood of the business world. This study found that 77% of senior company leaders recognize creativity as the driving force for business growth. Humans can employ lateral or ‘outside the box’ thinking, drawing parallels where pre-programmed algorithms can’t.

Creativity drives innovation and problem-solving, leading to unique breakthrough products and services that keep businesses relevant to market needs. Investing in creativity is still hugely important, something Google is all too aware of. They introduced the 20% time policy, encouraging employees to spend one day a week on creative projects. It was during this scheduled creative downtime that groundbreaking services like Gmail and Google Maps were created.

Experiences and storytelling

Humans have always been storytellers. Our brains are hardwired for it. When a fact or piece of information is presented as a story, it becomes 22 times more memorable. Our stories and experiences are the bedrock of business – they connect us to each other. When brands tell stories, they transform from faceless entities into something relatable.

Humans can draw from our rich bank of experiences, generating new ideas and fresh approaches. We understand emotions and cultural nuances, allowing us to craft engaging narratives that captivate our customers and build emotionally strong brand identities. When customers resonate with that story, they’re 55% more likely to buy from you – and that’s exactly why brands need more stories.

Empathy and connection

An in-person client and customer meeting

Forbes has dubbed empathy “the new currency” – one that impacts a business’s bottom line. According to the Global Empathy Index, top-performing companies outpace their peers in the stock market by at least 50% over a span of five years. Brands that create a fantastic customer experience see revenue increases between 4-8% above their market.

Brands that have their customers’ needs and desires at heart bring a personal, human touch to the B2B world. As convenient as AI is, it leaves us feeling a little cold. Getting your problem solved by a chatbot isn’t the same as having someone personally sort it out at the other end of the phone. Building an empathetic and connected culture brings that human element to otherwise robotic transactions.

Collaboration and teamwork 

Most of the world’s best ideas are born from collaboration and the spontaneous exchange of thoughts. Sitting alone at your desk and asking the internet can never match the synergy and dynamics of a brainstorming session. One study shows that when humans work together, task focus increases by 64% compared to when working solo. Collaboration also helps employees feel more engaged, display less fatigue, and deliver more successful outcomes.

Humans are social creatures, and when we get together, magic happens. Just take the creation of the 1995 film Toy Story. It was the first full-length feature movie made entirely from computer-generated imagery, requiring many different skilled (and human) professionals to make it happen. That’s when the collaboration between Disney and Pixar was born. Toy Story made cinematic history, showing what’s possible when people join forces and put their strengths on the table.

Bring that human touch to your business

A brainstorming session with three MOOsters

Humans are tactile beings. We love getting our hands on stuff – especially when it’s knockout print and branded merchandise. Whether it’s Notebooks to capture your brainstorming ideas or Postcards that connect with your customer, MOO brings that tactile touch to your business. To get started, fill in this simple form and one of our team will be in touch.

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