They make MOO: Meet Federico, senior software engineer

Federico shares his motto, his current playlist, and more.

Portrait of Federico Franceschetti, senior software engineer at MOO, on a sofa

It takes a talented bunch to make the MOO magic happen. Lucky for us, that’s exactly what we’re made of. Meet the people who make MOO a great place to work.

Federico Franceschetti is a senior software engineer at MOO. He’s also a food nerd, a gamer and an avid explorer. We asked him about his role, his motto and more.

Portrait of Federico Franceschetti, senior software engineer at MOO

What do you do at MOO?

I’m a senior software engineer for our “browse” team. As the name implies, we are responsible for providing a seamless and premium experience to our customers, while they are browsing our website. 

This involves delivering gorgeous interactive experiences and effective merchandising to the users while making sure performances are in tip-top shape across the world.

Most recently, we’ve implemented a new functionality to allow customers to self-serve branded merch, which they couldn’t do before. This is something I’m very proud of and the result of the joint effort of many people across the company, bringing their best MOO-self to the table and creating something incredibly unique.

What do you like to do when you’re off duty?

I’m still new to the city so I like to explore most of it as I possibly can, trying to become a “local”. Weirdly enough, that usually takes me to someplace new to eat!

If not that, my wife and I are avid gamers and love to play together. We just binged It Takes Two and LOVED IT. Highly recommend it to anyone wanting to spend hours giggling with their partner or friends.

What do you do to recharge?

Music usually helps a lot. I like putting my headphones on and going for an aimless stroll to the nearest park until I’m ready to go back. Either that or cooking some comfort food from home.

MOO question card asking what do you do to recharge

What’s your morning routine?

Pretty simple: I wake up around 7am, make breakfast and enjoy some quiet alone time. I usually catch up on shows I have left behind or try to organize my day before I get to work.

What’s on repeat in your playlist at the moment?

I had to go check for this one! Apparently, I’m obsessed with What Makes You a Man by The Ninth Wave (I got that one from the last season of The Umbrella Academy – what a banger of a season it was!) and Baby, Does Your Heart Sink? by Martha. 

What led you to your role at MOO?

I was moving to the UK from Italy and craving an experience in a new market. I was intrigued by the concept and vision behind MOO and was lucky enough to get an interview. 

Meeting various MOOsters during my rounds of interviews made me realize that MOO is a place like no others. This friendliness, level of care and top-notch communication are not something easily found anywhere else. 

Federico Franceschetti looking at cards

What would your motto be?

My grandma always said “non ti fasciare la testa prima di essertela rotta”, which roughly translates to “don’t wrap your head up in bandages before having it broken”. 

It’s a mantra more than a motto, and something to remember her by. It helps me focus on the “now” without stressing and constantly overthinking.

What’s your favorite Slack channel at MOO?

Easily #couch-potatoes! I got into it for the movie brackets showdown and stayed for the endless conversation about movies and series.

What would your personal business card say?

Fede – Nerd for The Office, One Piece… and food.

What do you like the most at MOO?

The culture and the people at MOO are the main reasons I like being a MOOster. People are so incredibly friendly, inspiring, and genuinely ready to help that sometimes it doesn’t even feel like work. 

It’s such a healthy environment to work in that it’s usually one of the first things I mention in great length (some might say I rant about it) to candidates during interviews.

Want to join the MOO crew? There’s an opening on Federico’s team! Connect with us on LinkedIn and check out all our current vacancies here.

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