How internal networking makes for better business

Better partnerships. A stronger culture. More lightbulb moments. Who doesn’t want those? That’s why networking isn’t just for events outside your company – it’s a crucial habit for people inside larger companies too. (So important, in fact, that MOO has a free infographic on this very subject.)

That’s why internal networking events are such a helpful tool. By connecting co-workers outside of your office’s traditional networks, you create more opportunities for teamwork and help employees get a handle on the bigger picture of what your company is all about. What’s not to love?

The internal networking event

An internal networking event is anything that brings employees closer together, from a casual lunch to a training program that helps your team learn new skills as a unit. It’s a way to help staff get on-board with company culture, and to get to know each other – which, in turn, helps teams perform better.

Your events don’t have to be formal. Volunteering, office parties, quarterly update gatherings, and even painting classes are all fun outings that help create connections. Your employees will get the benefits of socializing with people within the company, without the nerves that more formal networking events can bring.

Internal Networking

The event prep checklist

Before the event takes place, hand out invitations on Notecards. The more advance notice you give, the more likely employees are to show up. Then, if you really want to boost RSVPs, throw in some customized Business Cards with the invite so your teams can swap contact info. After all, no networking event is complete without free stuff.

On the day of the event, make sure to distribute name tags on Stickers for handy lapel use. No one wants to be embarrassed that they forgot someone’s name immediately after meeting them. (Hey, it happens to the best of us!)

To help make the event a success, make a list of people or teams who should be collaborating. The event can even be geared towards having these teams getting to know one another to potentially boost interdepartmental collaboration on future projects. If there are any junior employees at the company, make sure to pair them off with mentors so they feel included in the festivities.

Last, if your shindig has a couple of different components, make Flyers available with the day’s agenda. Add in a menu card if you’re serving a meal or snacks. Nothing boost RSVPs like free food.

At its most basic level, internal networking ensures that people within your company know employees within other departments, and understand what they do. In other words, internal networking can spark those lightbulb moments between people from different departments. Plus, it increases the chances that people from all over the office will form closer relationships.

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