How to create enthusiastic employees

There’s no ‘I’ in ‘Team’… but if you’re in a position of authority then the happiness of the team is on you. Here’s how to create a motivated workplace.
The modern office is changing, and where once motivation in the workplace might have meant having an extra water cooler, that’s just not going to cut it anymore.
To hammer home just how important it is to keep up a fulfilling culture and motivation in the workplace, you should know that it costs a third of an employee’s annual pay to replace them. If the reason they leave has to do with poor company culture, there is a 36% chance their replacement will also bid you farewell within two years. The main takeaway here? Rewarding and motivating employees in the workplace will reap far greater rewards than just a happy, smiley team – although we think that’s pretty vital too.
Examples of motivation in the workplace
In the current employment market, you’re sure to miss out on serious talent if you scrimp on the perks. The modern-day job seeker expects more from their jobs than previous generations. Common work perks that are rapidly becoming standard for any contemporary company include:
- Flexi-time and remote working options
- Company parties (commonly Christmas and summer as major off-site events, but also in-office social events like charity drives, bake-offs or Halloween parties)
- Snacks and refreshments provided in the kitchen
- On that note – an office kitchen, with appliances and utensils for employees to prepare their lunches
- Paid time off
- Health insurance
- Staff development days
- Pool tables or table tennis – simple opportunities for employees to bond and become friends, not just co-workers
One of the major catalysts for this change is the entry of millennials into the workforce. Love them or loathe them, those born between 1977 and 2000 make up a quarter of the population, so attracting and motivating millennials in the workplace you have created will help you benefit from young talent.
On the downside, millennials are also the least engaged when it comes to work. To this demographic, the economy hasn’t been too kind – cost of living is rising, rates of pay are falling, and it is common for millennials to be ready to bail in pursuit of better salaries, or at least a better work/life balance that compensates for a low pay grade. Over 80% of millennials would consider joining the gig economy to escape the shackles of a 9 – 5. That’s a worryingly high statistic for any brand hoping to hold onto their young employees, and precisely why you need to generate a rewarding culture that truly shows your team they are valued.
High motivation on low budgets
Of course, not all companies can afford to roll out staff-wide insurance programs or pay for expensive training days for every individual, but examples of motivation in the workplace don’t have to be grand. Here are just a few grass-root level ideas for culture and motivation in the workplace to help make staff feel valued:
- Business Cards for all: Printing sleek and professional Business Cards, especially with MOO, doesn’t have to cost the earth, but they are concrete proof that every member of staff is part of your team, with their name proudly printed right beneath the company logo. If your budget allows (or if it doesn’t, perhaps you should make your budget allow), extend this benefit to everyone in the team, including new starters and interns. Nothing says a ‘welcome to the company’ quite like a pack of Business Cards proclaiming it in ink. Even if your intern is only around for six months, this gesture can be hugely motivational and tells them they are there for more than just making coffee, but to be part of a valued team. Plus, they’re sure to proudly show off their new Business Cards on social media, which is some easy exposure for your brand!
. - Well-equipped offices: You won’t need to spend on upgrades if you do it right in the first place. Look for the basics – spaces with air-con for summer and heating for winter, offices with clean and well-maintained kitchens, lavatories and break-out areas or easy parking if your location requires your workers to commute. Ensure your office technology can make their jobs easier, not harder. Desktop computers might seem the obvious choice, but laptops make collaboration much easier, as different teams can carry them around to work together in meeting rooms or at hot desks. On the subject of collaboration, free applications like Skype can keep the whole office connected so no one is left wondering who’s who.
. - Branded office supplies: It’s the subtle things that can make the biggest difference to your staff’s impression of the company. Branded company supplies like printed Notebooks and pens are a simple but effective way to give a professional feel to your office space.
- Frequent catch-ups: This one costs nothing at all – sometimes motivating employees in the workplace is as simple as telling them! Lack of communication is a common pain point for workers all over the nation and being kept uninformed negatively affects their opinion of their company. This is especially crucial for motivating millennials who cite this as a major problem in their workplaces. So, make yourself available and approachable, and actively look to engage with your workers, even if it’s just going to buy lunch together.
. - Pay day drinks: A round of drinks doesn’t have to cost too much if you shop around, some bars might even strike a deal for a large party. Alternatively, you can just get some six-packs in and let your staff mingle in the break-out area on the last Friday of the month. Combine that with an early finish and a few board games or even a games console and you’ve got some easy motivational activities for employees to look forward to every month without fail.
. - Food, glorious food: Nothing raises spirits quite like cake! One of the best motivational activities for employees is, well, eating! See if you can find room in your budget and kitchen for a snack cupboard. This can be anything from a few guilty pleasures like chocolate and candy or items that will improve your employees’ everyday lives like cereal and bread (don’t forget a toaster), so they’ll never be in danger of skipping breakfast.
Build a team that’s made for success with these top tips and a helping hand from MOO’s sleek printed products.
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