A Match Made with MOO

Say hello to Tim Easley – a London-based graphic designer with a knack for brilliantly vibrant illustrations (and the occasional quirky doodle). We first came across Tim’s work on Etsy, where a handful of his colorful greeting cards caught our eye. You can imagine how happy we were to learn that they were printed by us! We soon discovered Tim had done so much more than just Greeting Cards – he’d used MOO products for everything from hang tags for his printed t-shirts to matching stickers to accompany his paper prints. He created discount codes on cards and even used MiniCards as small authentication certificates to go with more exclusive products. “I loved the fact that I could print as many designs as I wanted.” Explained Tim. “Also, how can you resist using a company called MOO?”

Will Tweet for Art

While all of Tim’s uses (and compliments!) brightened our day, what we really enjoyed was his clever method for sending out his Christmas Greeting Cards to his friends and fans. Tim started out by creating a series of Christmas designs in his own quirky, vivid style - “I quite like it when nobody understands what I’ve done or can’t read one of my pieces, like with these X-mas cards.” Normally a description like that might put you off, but just one look at the result, and you’ll understand why it’s so perfect for a lively time like Christmas!

The next step involves a bit of help from social media. Tim plans on hand-drawing doodles in each card and sending them off to any one of his Twitter followers who feels like getting a free card and a one-of-a-kind message. It’s a great way to engage with his followers and potential clients, as well as have a bit of fun undermining your ‘average’ holiday designs. Want to get your hands on one? Simply give him a shout – it’s @TimEasley.

Don’t forget to take a look at our Christmas Cards (and Postcards, too!) for your own festive creations.

Written on:
29 Oct 2014
Business Cards, Printfinity, Greeting Cards Ideas

Create your own Christmas Cards

  • Upload your images These can be photos or full artwork. Alternatively import images from Flickr, Facebook or Etsy.
  • Or browse MOO templates Use one of our layouts to create professional and creative cards
  • Make your cards! In no time at all have amazing MOO cards to share!
  • Start making now

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