Next time you need a sticky label, don’t settle for plain white – why not create something that represents who you are, and what your business stands for? If your attention to detail and creativity extends to every corner of your brand or art, then MOO's Rectangular Labels are exactly what you need.

How can you use Rectangular Labels?

Name Tags:Organising an event or business conference? You can upload a huge variety of colours and fonts to really personalise each name tag for attendees, as well as include the event or company logo.

Sticky Business Cards: Perfect for photographers, artists, designers and crafters for sticking onto the back of a piece of work, a portfolio or a CV. It’s a great way to stay in touch with clients and potential employers, while also displaying your work – just make sure you include your contact details!

Mailing labels and Return Address Labels: Why use plain white labels when you can wow customers with beautifully branded Mailing labels? Upload your company logo to your address labels, and include similarly branded Return Address Label stickers in every customer package.

Promotional Labels:You can give in-store promotional stickers a facelift with some sticky Rectangular Labels. Why not make some special offer stickers, using our great new range of fonts to make every label just a little bit more unique?

If your business or product is online, why not include stickers in every package you send out? You can create beautiful, durable personalised labels with unique discount codes, and encourage customers to hand them out to their friends. Remember - everyone loves a free sticker!

Product Labels: Get creative with your product labels – use MOO Rectangular Labels to upload your logo, images or even some messaging on the back. Just choose your perfect template – they’re simply asking to be written on.

And don’t forget, with our Printfinity technology, you can print a different image on every single Rectangular Label in a pack.

Written on:
18 Jun 2013
Stickers, Marketing, Company Logo

Create your own Rectangular Labels

  • Upload your images These can be photos or full artwork. Alternatively import images from Flickr, Facebook or Etsy.
  • Add text or change your sticker/label design Add text to your stickers or labels by changing the pack layout.
  • Make your stickers or labels! In no time at all have amazing stickers and labels to use and share!
  • Start making now

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