We knew photographer and cinematographer Matthew Cherry was already an experienced user when it came to using our Luxe Business Cards, Postcards and Notecards, so it was only natural that we were curious to see what he could do with MOO Letterheads! His consistently branded communications serve as a perfect example of what a complete set of stationery can do for a business.

Let’s talk Letterheads

While Notecards can be an eye-catching way to send a handwritten message, a typed letter is often necessary - especially in Matthew’s business. We were very interested to hear how he uses his own custom pack of Letterheads too – printing everything from insurance letters and prop rental agreements to pull letters, and invoices on his branded paper. “Also, my work is very production intensive and it takes a lot of forms to organise shoots and communicate with my team, from location releases to call sheets.” And to keep consistency across all of his communications, Matthew uses the same logo as he does on his Business Cards and Notecards.

Running the Luxe gamut

So what else does a photographer do with MOO? Even more than we imagined actually, Matthew uses a range of Luxe products - “As someone who communicates visually for a living, it’s amazing how much written communications are also necessary for what I do,” Matthew says. “For example, if an editorial I shot is in a magazine, I may send a Notecard to the brand manager of the merchandise we featured along with a copy of the magazine. I find that especially in this day, a short hand-written note is especially appreciated.”

Matthew is also particularly generous with handing out his Luxe Business Cards, listing them as one of the easiest and inexpensive ways to market himself. “Usually when you hand someone your card, they immediately pocket it, after maybe giving it a quick glance. The substantive feel of the Luxe card, however, almost always causes them to pause and comment on it.”

Branding Matthew Cherry Photography

When it comes to the design of his logo itself, Matthew worked with the marketing team at Agency Access to rebrand his business – they decided to go with a bold typography design that could easily be inversed on a white or black background and still be recognisable no matter what communications it was placed on. As he puts it, “Consistency is absolutely key in all aspects of marketing, and with creating a brand, visual consistency is especially important.  People receive so much information today, that if your brand isn't strong and consistent, there’s little way for you to stand out.”

Matthew and Agency Access even went as far as to create a visual style guide to ensure his materials would always look like they came from the same photographer so the quality of his work wouldn’t be compromised.

Paper becomes a little more powerful when it’s combined with great branding, making Luxe the perfect way to communicate your attention to detail and belief in the quality of your work. And Matthew’s strategy to use a consistent visual identity across his products makes it easy for clients to recognise his brand amongst a clutter of other business cards or mailings too.

If you think our suite of Luxe stationery could be just as beneficial to your business, you can read up on more of the fine details here

Create your own Postcards

  • Upload your images These can be photos or full artwork. Alternatively import images from Flickr, Facebook or Etsy.
  • Or browse MOO templates Use one of our layouts to create professional and creative cards
  • Make your cards! In no time at all have amazing MOO cards to share!
  • Start making now

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