Pretty, powerful packaging

Having fantastic products is a good start. But since – despite all life lessons to the contrary - most people tend to judge a book by its cover, packaging is just as important as what’s inside. Check out some of our creative customers – and how they use MOO to dress up, package and promote themselves.

Dressing it up

Atelier Momoni is the business of Lola Palacios, who makes quality handmade doll clothes. She draws and designs her own patterns, and imports material from Japan to ensure that her client’s dolls are dressed to impress.  Each item is wrapped in pretty printed clear plastic, complete with a MiniCard of a doll, StickerBooks, and sealed with a pink Round logo sticker. “Recently, I’ve been making MOO stickers to fit the patterns, colors and designs of the clothes, making the packaging part of the set.” she tells us. Makes you want to unearth your old doll collection, doesn’t it?

Postage and packaging

We’re huge fans of the Photo Emporium, who were the hit of our summer party with their awesome vintage photo booth. They, in turn, are big MOO users – check out these fabulous Postcards with images of their service decorating the front. Explains founder Tyson Benson “We use the blank ones like compliments slips and send them out to customers. Then we also have postcards printed with our product information on the back – these are more like flyers for events.”

Beautiful design for everyone

One of the reasons these Round Sticker labels and Rounded Corner labels caught our eye is that they’re so incredibly well designed. The Design Firm is firmly in the same camp as MOO when it comes to helping their clients sell more products. “We believe that good design should be uncluttered and accessible, clean and creative” they say. Well, whoever Sascha is, she’s probably very pleased her mustard looks so very, very delicious!

Written on:
09 Oct 2012
Business Services Ideas, Marketing, Business Cards

Create your own Business Cards

  • Upload your images These can be photos or full artwork. Alternatively import images from Flickr, Facebook or Etsy.
  • Or browse MOO templates Use one of our layouts to create professional and creative cards
  • Make your cards! In no time at all have amazing MOO cards to share!
  • Start making now

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