We’ve all been told that it’s the taking part that counts – and though it may not hold true for non-sporty types forced to compete in your average humiliating school sports day, when it comes to business awards, it’s a different story.
On the business award circuit, even if you don’t win or place, simply participating will bring countless opportunities. Here are the top three benefits:
1. Raise your profile
Many of the business awards you’ll come across are run by PR companies (or at least companies with a big PR arm) – and they’ll have links to local and national media. Entrants and finalists will often be promoted and given column inches - particularly in the local press - whilst the awards themselves will almost definitely get coverage in the trade press. So even if you don’t win, you’re bound to get your name out there.
2. Establish new relationships
Business awards often attract a broad spectrum of professionals (be they entrants, judges, pundits or just casual observers). Some networking can go a long way - especially when combined with a pack of standout Business Cards! Perfect your elevator pitch, and you may be able to develop some useful contacts that last longer than any winner’s kudos.
3. Show you’re a player
Being a finalist (or even better, winning) can help to shift perceptions of your business. You can add ‘award winner’ or ‘finalist’ onto any future press release, and of course, your website. It can also help to:
- raise your business profile
- illustrate that you're amongst the best in your field
- generate new sales
Mark James is a finance and small business writer and regular contributor to Freelance Advisor and is also on Twitter.
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