We love spiders

Arachnid Labs is the London based one-man operation run by tech-lover Nick Johnson, who is a regular face on the hack day circuit, and pioneered such awesomeness as the iZac the Android Bartender, the stackable motor shield, the circular sand plotter and the advice machine. He set up Arachnid Labs in 2012, and sells electronic kits online.

Going the extra mile

Nick very quickly harnessed the power of giving customers a little bit extra. “My goal is to make interesting, functional, and high quality electronics stuff, both for my own enjojment and that of other hobbyists.” He explains. “But I also wanted something I could include in each kit that reminded people of me, and was sufficiently interesting and unusual that people would find it memorable.”

Nick hired an artist to draw up a series of robot illustrations in the style of a child’s "mix and match" books, and chop each robot into 3 sections; head, torso and legs. “Then, I got a set of MiniCards printed, with one third of a robot on each!”

The sum of its (mini!) parts

By turning his cards into collectibles, Nick is encouraging customer loyalty by giving them something genuinely adorable (especially if, like many of his customers, you just happen to be crazy into robots!).

“When I send out a kit, I bundle one card with each robot body part, randomly selected. Repeat customers can mix and match their cards to make new combinations. It's a bit silly, but a lot of fun.”

Want to make some MiniCards? You can use our designs – or, like Nick, get really inventive with your own.

Written on:
18 Jun 2013
MiniCard Ideas, Illustration Ideas

Create your own MiniCards

  • Upload your images These can be photos or full artwork. Alternatively import images from Flickr, Facebook or Etsy.
  • Or browse MOO templates Use one of our layouts to create professional and creative cards
  • Make your cards! In no time at all have amazing MOO cards to share!
  • Start making now

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