Almond Milk LA makes, bottles and delivers raw, organic, non-GMO, dairy-soy-and-gluten-free almond milk, and they use MOO Products to give each bottle a sense of individuality, from the ‘Shake Well’ Stickers on the top of each lid, to the labels on the bottle, which are hand-made from MOO Business Cards.

Less dairy, more MOO

Company founder Yael Green explains that MOO products have been central to their business since the start. “We launched in January and beyond the wonder of our product, our MOO cards and labels are a huge part of our success.

“Our bottle labels are Rounded Corner Business Cards that we punch holes in (each one by hand), and the round MOO Stickers are perfect for the ‘Shake Well’ stickers that we put on top of each lid.”

Collect the set

And as Yael explains, if your product is already distinctive and hand-made, why not go the extra mile and try and make each unit sold as unique as possible?

“Our business cards go down a treat because we were able to print several different designs on one side with the logo on the back, and people often say that they feel like collectors items and baseball cards!

“Almost everyone asks us who our printer is when they see the cards and they all take them in their hands, feel the texture between their fingers and comment on what incredible quality they are and what a lovely finish they have. They particularly love the rounded edges - as do we!”

It’s this kind of attention to detail that can actually drive fresh business opportunities. “My girlfriend gave a business card to the folks that own Lindy and Grundy in Los Angeles (one of the hottest spots in the city!) and they emailed me within two hours to enquire about stocking Almond Milk LA - they loved the branding that much! We now stock and sell-out with them every weekend.”

MOO Stickers are delicious with just about anything. Want to make your own? 

Written on:
06 Nov 2013
Sticker Ideas, Business Card Ideas

Create your own Stickers

  • Upload your images These can be photos or full artwork. Alternatively import images from Flickr, Facebook or Etsy.
  • Add text or change your sticker/label design Add text to your stickers or labels by changing the pack layout.
  • Make your stickers or labels! In no time at all have amazing stickers and labels to use and share!
  • Start making now

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