We love design, but we also love text - and so do you! Among the creative pool of MOO lovers are hundreds of freelance writers, bloggers, journalists and authors, all hoping to an agent or an editor and, more importantly, a loyal group of readers!

Inspired by your beautiful and innovative Flickr uploads, we had a look at some of the best tools - both on MOO and on the web - that take your words and make them even more amazing.

Use your words

A picture may say thousands words but you know what else can? Actual words! Our Textomatic technology is brilliant for the lyrically gifted amongst you. With a wide choice of fonts and colours, you can say something different on every single card - so no more excuses for not having a card to match every occasion. We really love these cute MiniCards from Contradiction – someone who clearly has a lot to say for herself!

You can quote me

When you're lost for words, you can always quote someone whose eloquence inspires you. One of our most popular Business Cards Ready Made packs comes courtesy of best-selling agent of change and wordsmith Seth Godin, whose motivational phrases adorn the front of every card – now that's a lot of inspiration! And we're really impressed with MOOster Robert Kenny who advertises acting classes with Shakespeare quotes MiniCards – green for comedy, red for tragedy!

Every cloud...

Free and really easy to use, Wordle is a favourite with the MOO community, creating cool word clouds from tags, keywords and anything else you want to say – like these eye-catching cards from gamers Dealspwn or these amusing cloud-cards from teacher and sometime fan-fiction writer Stephanie Galvin (look closely at the top right - she's clearly a Dr. Who buff!). Wordle is perfect for bloggers who want to promote the essence of their work in the small space a Business Card provides – a few larger words surrounded by smaller ones should do the tricks. And for Twitterbugs, there's the awesome TweetCloud, which aggregates up to a years' worth of tweets into a cloud – it looks amazing and you could even learn something about the way your mind works.

Judge me by my book covers - please!

Of course, if you're a writer who prefers not to squeeze all your words onto the back of a card, but still want to let people know at a glance what your USP is, there's always the good old fashioned book. MOO designers have created five beautiful, vintage inspired book cover Ready Mades Busness Cards which say everything you could easily put into words - as soon as they hire you!

And don't forget …

Every writer needs somewhere to scribble down ideas! We love the cult Rhodia WebNotebook - its thick, luxurious paper makes it the a perfect gift for budding writers, designers or artists.

Written on:
18 Jun 2013

Create your own Business Cards

  • Upload your images These can be photos or full artwork. Alternatively import images from Flickr, Facebook or Etsy.
  • Or browse MOO templates Use one of our layouts to create professional and creative cards
  • Make your cards! In no time at all have amazing MOO cards to share!
  • Start making now

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