
A4 Letterhead

Perfect for anyone that works with numbers, this Letterhead design gives your communications a touch of style and professionalism. Whenever you’re reaching out to clients, send your own Letterhead – not only does it look and feel great, but it makes the right impression too.

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I played around with visual ways of representing numbers with this design. I've never been able to get my head around numbers, and I think there are a lot of people for whom making information clear has to be a visual thing - even for people who work in finance, and more importantly, for their clients.

Acerca del Diseñador

Chris Baron se licenció en Diseño Multimedia en la Universidad de Southampton en 2005. Ha trabajado en varios campos creativos dentro del embalaje y los medios impresos y audiovisuales, donde ha colaborado en proyectos para la BBC y Guerilla Creative Production. Sus fuentes de inspiración son los paisajes urbanos y los pioneros del diseño como Saul Bass.

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