Meet the #MOOcrew: Amy, Content Associate

Our MOOcrew are a pretty great bunch. Wonder what it’s like to work at HQ? Take a peek behind the curtain at a day in the life of a MOOster…
Amy Schofield
Hello lovelies, I’m Amy. I’m a Content Associate at MOO and I’ve been here for just over 6 months now.
At MOO, I’m responsible for…
All things content! So that includes articles, a little bit of site copy here and there and some video occasionally too! My team primarily look after our awesome MOO Blog where we share loads of exciting interviews, design inspiration and business tips with our creative community. It’s our job to inspire customers with great designs, stories from creatives we work with, and advice on building their business.
I got my role at MOO by…
I studied Literature and Creative Writing at university because I always knew I wanted a writing job. I’d heard MOO was a great place to work so I made sure I kept an eye out! Luckily a vacancy came up in the content team and I jumped on the chance straight away. From there, I did a presentation to the team and luckily for me they liked it!
My morning routine is…
Snooze my alarm from 7AM…7.05AM…7.07AM, before finally dragging myself out of bed. If I’m really adulting, I’ll make a smoothie before I go out (it always looks gross. Like a sample from a pond). Then I head out the door and put my makeup on on the tube. Once I get to work, I’ll have a cup of tea and catch up with my team on any nice dogs we saw on the weekend before cracking on with my day.
A typical working day is…
Working in the wider Communications team alongside my PR and Social Media pals. There’s always projects that we’re all working on together – whether that’s supporting a new campaign or making plans for a product launch. They’re a mega talented bunch and we all work really collaboratively to support each other’s activity. In the content team, we write and commission a lot of articles so a few hours are normally dedicated to proofing and editing pieces then getting them live on the blog. There’s also new articles to brainstorm, questions to write for interviews with designers, and supporting wider teams on any content needs for the site, email, or social channels.
Something people don’t know about my role is…
We don’t just write articles. Content is a big, broad-brush term and it encompasses loads of touch-points, so we get to work on lots of different streams with various teams. We could be helping the Social team adapt copy for an article on Instagram Stories, working with PR on an article featuring a new design collaboration or product announcement, or supporting the email team on crafting some super-snappy headline copy.
My proudest moment at MOO was…
Finishing the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge with 50 other MOOsters was awesome – we raised £25,000 collectively for our chosen charities. It was tough and I literally never want to see a pair of walking boots again – but I was so proud of us all!
The thing I like most about working at MOO is…
My team! They’re a lovely talented bunch of humans. Free Friday lunch and cake is a pretty big sell too! Oh, and there’s dogs in the office. Need I say more?
On the weekend, you’ll find me…
In the pub mostly! Punctuated with eating chocolate in bed while watching documentaries.
If I wasn’t doing this as a career, I’d be…
I’ve always loved words, so I’d love to be an author! I could never say for certain though – there’s too much stuff to try! I’d love to be a wildlife photographer, a tattoo artist, a florist… but judging by my indecisiveness I’d most likely be unemployed!
The best career advice I’ve ever been given…
Do whatever makes you happy.
Stay tuned. We’ll keep hosting guest blogs from one of our crew across the business to tell you what it’s really like to work at MOO HQ. Up next, we’ve got Javier, our Product Designer.
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