How to create an inclusive holiday campaign

Tips for connecting with diverse audiences this festive season.

The holiday season is a time for celebration, connection, and reflection. For brands, it’s also an opportunity to engage with audiences in a meaningful way. But with so many different traditions and ways of celebrating, it’s essential to make sure your holiday campaign is inclusive. This way, all your customers feel seen, respected, and valued, no matter how they celebrate.

Why inclusive holiday campaigns matter

Even though we live in a diverse world, only 41% of U.S. consumers feel truly represented in advertisements. Meanwhile, 71% of people say they want brands to prioritise diversity and inclusion. The gap is clear—many consumers are looking for brands that acknowledge and celebrate their identities, especially during the holiday season. 

Inclusive holiday marketing isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s good for business. 64% of people take action after seeing an ad that they consider inclusive and reflective of their identity​. What’s more, ads that show more diversity are 90% more likely to be remembered by consumers.

Inclusive campaigns matter more than ever. By taking a thoughtful approach to holiday marketing, brands can create campaigns that resonate with everyone and truly capture the spirit of the season. 

Here’s how to do it right.

5 steps to creating an inclusive holiday campaign

1. Represent the real world

Start by reflecting the diversity of your audience. People are more likely to engage with your campaign if they see themselves represented. This means including people of different races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, and backgrounds in your ads, imagery, and messaging.

MOO Tips:

  • Broaden your casting: When selecting models for your campaign, ensure they reflect the diversity of the world around us. Avoid tokenism by making diversity a genuine part of your brand’s story, not just an add-on.
  • Use inclusive imagery: Think beyond stock photos. Choose visuals that capture real people and real moments from different cultures and lifestyles. This shows that your brand values everyone, not just a single demographic.

2. Focus on universal themes

The holidays mean different things to different people. While some celebrate Christmas, others may celebrate Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Diwali. But there are universal themes that resonate across all cultures—such as kindness, gratitude, and togetherness. By centering your campaign on these themes, you can appeal to a broad audience without focusing on a single holiday.

MOO Tips:

  • Center on emotions, not events: Instead of creating a campaign about one specific holiday, focus on the shared feelings of joy, warmth, and giving that many experience this time of year.
  • Create content that feels welcoming: Language matters. Phrases like ‘Season’s Greetings’ or ‘Happy Holidays’ are inclusive ways to address all customers. Stay clear of phrases that are too tied to one specific celebration.

3. Watch your language

The language you use can either open up or close off your campaign. Inclusive language ensures that everyone feels welcome, regardless of their background. In holiday campaigns, it’s especially important to avoid assumptions about how people celebrate or what traditions they hold dear.

MOO Tips:

  • Avoid stereotypes: Be careful not to rely on clichés or cultural stereotypes when referring to holidays or traditions. Instead, use language that is respectful and inclusive of different beliefs and customs.
  • Be mindful of religious language: While some holidays are religious in nature, not everyone celebrates them that way. Consider using more neutral language to create a space where all feel included. For instance, instead of ‘Christmas Sale’ you could use ‘Holiday Season Sale.’

4. Be thoughtful with symbols and imagery

Many holidays come with their own symbols—like Christmas trees, menorahs, or the kinara used during Kwanzaa. While these symbols are meaningful to some, they may not resonate with everyone. Being thoughtful about the symbols and imagery you use can help your campaign feel more inclusive.

MOO Tips:

  • Go for neutral decor: If you’re using holiday symbols in your campaign, balance them with neutral imagery with widespread appeal.  Snowflakes, winter landscapes, and festive lights can evoke the holiday spirit without focusing on a single tradition.
  • Mix it up: If you do decide to include cultural symbols, ensure you’re representing a range of holidays and customs. This shows that you respect and acknowledge the variety of celebrations your audience might engage in.

5. Customise your holiday offers

Adding a personal touch makes your holiday campaign stand out. Offer customised products, gift guides, greetings, or services that can be tailored to the diverse preferences and cultures of your customers. 

MOO Tips:

  • Offer cultural variations: If your brand creates physical products or promotional materials, consider offering variations that appeal to different cultural traditions. This could mean different Greeting Card designs or customised packaging that reflects a variety of holiday customs.
  • Segment your marketing: Use data to segment your audience based on their preferences or cultural backgrounds. Sending personalised messages and tailoring your Marketing Materials to different groups shows that you’ve taken the time to understand and respect their traditions.

6. Consider inclusive giving

During the holidays, many brands focus on giving back to their communities. This is a great opportunity to be inclusive in the causes you support or the partnerships you form. 

MOO Tips:

  • Partner with diverse charities: Support organizations that reflect the diverse backgrounds of your customers. Highlight these partnerships in your campaign to show your commitment to giving back in a way that’s meaningful to everyone.
  • Offer diverse holiday perks: Consider providing holiday perks or gifts that cater to different cultural practices—whether that’s a donation to a cause, a celebratory Gift Card, or a product that aligns with a range of traditions.

MOO’s commitment to Inclusivity 

Notebook with holiday themed belly band.

We’re here to help businesses create campaigns and merchandise that reflect the diversity of their audience. Whether you’re looking to create a stand-out holiday campaign or custom Branded Merch, MOO Business Services has the tools to help you design with inclusivity in mind. To get started, fill out this form, and one of our team members will be in touch

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