Meet Stephanie Salo

Stephanie Salo is a professional photographer, who specialises in food - which works out well, as she loves to cook! When she received an adorable mini-spatula in the mail, she was inspired to create her own equally memorable marketing mail-out package. Check out the results - we think you'll agree they're pretty mouth-watering.

Recipe for Satisfied Clients

To let people know that she's available for all their food photography needs, Stephanie decided her marketing mail-out would have the theme "Home made goodness" - and that meant including some bespoke recipe cards made from MOO Postcards. "After looking through many of my cookbooks, nothing seemed to fit. So I came up with six of my best photos and made "Recipes for Satisfied Clients" on Postcards instead. Although not edible, it expressed my creative side and working style. This was important since the promo was being sent to art directors and photography editors, and the majority of them were seeing my name and work for the first time." Stephanie tells us.

Finishing touches

Putting her money - or in this case - her baking skills where her mouth is, Stephanie made batches of home made cookies to go with the Postcard, her own logo-stamped mini spatulas and sealed each cute brown box with a MOO Logo Sticker. And the tagline? "I dare you to eat just one!". Now that's a tasty bit of marketing...

Written on:
06 Nov 2013
Stickers, Postcards, Marketing, Photographer, Graphic Design

Create your own Postcards

  • Upload your images These can be photos or full artwork. Alternatively import images from Flickr, Facebook or Etsy.
  • Or browse MOO templates Use one of our layouts to create professional and creative cards
  • Make your cards! In no time at all have amazing MOO cards to share!
  • Start making now

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